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for scientists

The Science Media Centre’s goal is to make sure that the best experts are heard by the public when science/engineering is in the news. The SMC team has a wealth of experience in science media relations and provides support for scientists and engineers to engage with the media when their area hits the headlines, particularly on controversial subjects. We have an ever-expanding database of experts and have strong connections with UK universities, industry, learned societies and scientific/engineering institutions.

The SMC also runs off-the-record brainstorms to discuss how the scientific community can effectively and accurately communicate findings on a controversial subject. Occasionally the SMC will run subject-focused advisory sessions in anticipation of big controversial stories.


For scientists and engineers with little media experience, the Centre offers free places at its hugely popular ‘Introduction to the News Media’ events which give a flavour of what media work involves. The sessions focus on subjects which we know will hit the headlines and give the Centre’s take on the reality of today’s news landscape. Click through for more information and details of how to sign up for the next event.

introduction to the news media

In 2020 and 2021, the SMC collaborated with RNA Media to run Impact: Women scientists in the media communications workshops, for women scientists at a post-doctoral level (or equivalent) or above, working in areas of science of interest to the media. Sponsorship for these workshops was provided by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute of Health Research.

impact: women scientists in the media communications workshops


Working with journalists, press officers and media-experienced scientists, the SMC has produced its unique and popular guides that advise experts on effective ways of answering complex questions in a two minute news interview. These guides cover topics including risk, animal research, peer review and uncertainty in science.

see publications for scientists

declaring interests

For experts taking part in a briefing or supplying a quote we have produced a guidance note regarding SMC policy on declaring interests.

guidance note on register of interests policy

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