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Glyphosate-resistant weeds in the UK

A glyphosate-resistant weed population have been identified on a farm in the UK.  Glyphosate-resistance in weeds has been found elsewhere in the world numerous times in the past, but this is the first time in the field in the UK.

There is no publication attached to this briefing.  Instead, the lead scientist will explain how the suspected resistance was reported and how he has gone about confirming it.  He will be joined by two independent plant scientists who can help explain the implications.

Why has this happened and what comes next?  How reliant is the UK on glyphosate for weed control?  Does this mean the weed will spread or can it be easily contained?

Please note this briefing is about issues of glyphosate efficacy, application and resistance – safety / health aspects won’t be covered.

Journalists came to this SMC briefing to hear from three experts and put their questions to them.


Speakers included:

John Cussans, Weed Science principal consultant at ADAS, and the scientist responsible for confirming the resistance

Prof Paul Neve, Professor of Crop Science, University of Copenhagen

Dr Helen Metcalfe, Agricultural Ecologist at Rothamsted Research

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