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Fiona fox's blog

how should genetically altered food be regulated?

In January, Defra launched a public consultation on the regulation of genetic technologies in the UK.  The government is expected to announce its response before 17 June.

Now the UK no longer has to fall in line with EU regulation on genetically altered food, what laws should we adopt instead?  Are the current rules fit for purpose?  What does the scientific community in the UK think good regulation looks like?

Genome Editing has been hailed as a precision tool for editing traits into plants and livestock.  What could it be used for and what are its benefits and risks?  Should it be regulated differently to GM, and does GM still have a role to play?

Journalists joined this online SMC briefing to hear the views of four prominent scientists in the field of plant and animal biotechnology.


Speakers included:

Prof Wendy Harwood, Head of the Crop Transformation Group at the John Innes Centre

Prof Nick Talbot FRS, Executive Director of The Sainsbury Laboratory

Prof Johnathan Napier, Plant Scientist and Flagship Leader at Rothamsted Research

Prof Bruce Whitelaw, Prof of Animal Biotechnology and Interim Director of The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh

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