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REGAIN trial results, group rehabilitation in long Covid

A team of scientists, clinicians and clinical trial experts, lead by the University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust, has carried out a trial to explore whether rehabilitation exercise and psychological support could help adults with long Covid who had been hospitalised with COVID-19.

The REGAIN trial (Rehabilitation Exercise and psycholoGical support After covid-19 InfectioN) aimed to evaluate whether an eight-week structured online supervised group physical and mental health rehabilitation programme can improve health related quality of life (compared with usual care) in adults with long Covid.

The trial primary outcome was patient-reported health related quality of life at three months.  The trial also looked at whether there were harms from the intervention.

Results from the trial are being published in the BMJ.  Dial in to this press briefing to hear some of the leaders of the trial discuss their results, and to ask your questions.


Speakers included:

Prof Gordon McGregor, Professor of Clinical Exercise Physiology & Rehabilitation, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

Prof Harbinder Sandhu, Professor of Health Psychology, Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick

Prof Julie Bruce, Professor of Clinical trials, University of Warwick Clinical trials Unit


This briefing was accompanied by an SMC Roundup of comments. 


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